[LESSON 2] How to say 'I am Filipino' in Korean?

From LESSON 1 , we already learned how to say your Nationality in Korean. This time, we will learn how to say your nationality in a sentence. For example: I am Filipino in Korean~ We could check the discussion below~ 저 는 필리핀 사람 입니다 . Jeo neun Pillipin saram imnida. I am Filipino **I am Korean 저는 한국 사람 입니다. Jeoneun Han-guk saramimnida **I am Chinese 저는 중국 사람 입니다. Jeoneun Jung-guk saramimnida **I am Japanese 저는 일본 사람 입니다. Jeoneun il-bon saramimnida **I am Taiwanese 저는 대만 사람 입니다. Jeoneun De-man saramimnida ----------------------------------------------- LEARN THE KOREAN VOCABULARY FOR COUNTRIES HERE: <<READ MORE: [Countries] Learn about the Korean terms for the Countries around the World~ Exploring Korean Language >> DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO READ AND WRITE KOREAN? LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE HANGEUL HERE: <<READ MORE: Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOWELS HERE: <<READ MORE: [Exploring Korean L...