
Showing posts from August, 2020

[LESSON 2] How to say 'I am Filipino' in Korean?

 From LESSON 1 , we already learned how to say your Nationality in Korean. This time, we will learn how to say your nationality in a sentence. For example:  I am Filipino in Korean~ We could check the discussion below~ 저 는 필리핀 사람 입니다 . Jeo neun Pillipin saram imnida. I am Filipino **I am Korean 저는 한국 사람 입니다. Jeoneun Han-guk saramimnida **I am Chinese 저는 중국 사람 입니다. Jeoneun Jung-guk saramimnida **I am Japanese 저는 일본 사람 입니다. Jeoneun il-bon saramimnida **I am Taiwanese 저는 대만 사람 입니다. Jeoneun De-man saramimnida ----------------------------------------------- LEARN THE KOREAN VOCABULARY FOR COUNTRIES HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Countries] Learn about the Korean terms for the Countries around the World~ Exploring Korean Language >> DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO READ AND WRITE KOREAN? LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE HANGEUL HERE: <<READ MORE:  Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOWELS HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Exploring Korean Language EP02] -

[LESSON 1] How to say your Nationality in Korean?

 Saying your nationality is very easy if you know the Korean term of your country. So, it is essential that you already read or studied our post regarding the Korean terms for every country. LEARN THE KOREAN VOCABULARY FOR COUNTRIES HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Countries] Learn about the Korean terms for the Countries around the World~ Exploring Korean Language >> DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO READ AND WRITE KOREAN? LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE HANGEUL HERE: <<READ MORE:  Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOWELS HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Exploring Korean Language EP02] - Learn the Korean Vowels >> Our Lesson for today is NATIONALITY Nationality in Korean is 국적 (GUKJEOK) If you are a Filipino, you could tell your nationality as: Korean term for Philippines + 사람 (saram) 필리핀 (Pillipin) 사람 (saram) This means Filipino in Korean. **For Korean: Korean term for Korea + 사람 (saram) 한국 (Han-guk) 사람 (saram) 한국사람 Korean **For Chinese: Korean

[OBJECTS] Learn the Korean Vocabulary for Objects ~ Exploring Korean Language

OBJECTS Here are some Korean vocabulary for the topic 'Objects' These are the things that we usually use. Let's be familiar with them because they would become handy on the future lessons. LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE HANGEUL HERE: <<READ MORE:  Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOWELS HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Exploring Korean Language EP02] - Learn the Korean Vowels >> LEARN SOME CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Classroom Expression] Learn about the Vocabularies used in the classroom~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOCABULARY FOR COUNTRIES HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Countries] Learn about the Korean terms for the Countries around the World~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOCABULARY FOR OCCUPATION HERE: <<READ MORE:   [OCCUPATION] Learn the Korean Vocabulary for Occupation ~ Exploring Korean Language >> The Korean term for Object / Thing / Item

[OCCUPATION] Learn the Korean Vocabulary for Occupation ~ Exploring Korean Language

    OCCUPATION Here are some Korean vocabulary for Occupation. Let's be familiar with them because they would become handy on the future lessons. LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE HANGEUL HERE: <<READ MORE:  Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOWELS HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Exploring Korean Language EP02] - Learn the Korean Vowels >> LEARN SOME CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Classroom Expression] Learn about the Vocabularies used in the classroom~ Exploring Korean Language >> LEARN THE KOREAN VOCABULARY FOR COUNTRIES HERE: <<READ MORE:   [Countries] Learn about the Korean terms for the Countries around the World~ Exploring Korean Language >> The Korean term for Occupation or Job is  직업 (pronounced as JIGEOP) Below are the Korean Vocabulary for Occupations / Jobs 1.) 선생님 (Pronounced as Seon-seng-nim) 선생님 means Teacher 2.) 학생 (Pronounced as Hak-seng) 학생 means Student 3.) 회사원 (Pronounced as Hwesa