
Showing posts from April, 2020

Learn Korean With BTS~ EP05. Numbers: 1, 2, 3

Hello! Welcome to Episode 5 of BTS' Learn Korean With BTS!~  ------------------------------------------------------ IF YOU WANT TO LEARN: Learn Korean With BTS   Episode 1 :  << Learn Korean With BTS~ EP01. BTS ㄱ to ㅎ >> (It contains  explanations about the vocabulary mentioned in the video) Learn Korean With BTS   Episode 2 :  << Learn Korean With BTS~ EP02. Hello, We Are BTS. >> (It contains  explanations about introducing oneself  from the video) Learn Korean With BTS  Episode 3 :  << Learn Korean With BTS~ EP03. How have you been? >> (It contains   explanations about saying 'How have you been?', 'It's been a long time', and 'Have a nice day'  from the video.) If you want read my post from  Episode 4 :  << Learn Korean With BTS~ EP04.  Thank You (It contains   explanations about saying 'Thank You'  from the video.) If you want to learn  how to read or write Hangeul , you could learn it here: Let's

Learn Korean With BTS~ EP04. Thank you.

Hello! Welcome to Episode 4 of BTS' Learn Korean With BTS!~  ------------------------------------------------------ If you want read my post from  Episode 1 , you could read my post here: Learn Korean With BTS~ EP01. BTS ㄱ to ㅎ (It contains  explanations about the vocabulary mentioned in the video) If you want read my post from  Episode 2 , you could read my post here: Learn Korean With BTS~ EP02. Hello, We Are BTS.  (It contains  explanations about introducing oneself  from the video) If you want read my post from  Episode 3 , you could read my post here: Learn Korean With BTS~ EP03. How have you been? (It contains   explanations about saying 'How have you been?', 'It's been a long time', and 'Have a nice day'  from the video.) If you want to learn  how to read or write Hangeul , you could learn it here: Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language (This lesson is composed of  Korean Alphabet, proper pro

[Korean Expressions] HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND Greetings! Pt.2 ~ Exploring Korean Language

This is the Second Part of the 2-Part Greetings! under Korean Expressions~  To learn about the first part, you could check it here: [Korean Expressions] HELLO! Greetings! Pt.1 ~ Exploring Korean Language (It is a lesson about how to say Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, Sorry, etc. with Audio provided) <<Want to learn how to read and write the Korean Alphabet? Learn here:   Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language >> Let's start with the 2nd part~ The second part of the Greetings! is about saying Good Night, Congratulations, Saying Grace before and after meal and Wishing someone a Great Weekend! I hope you enjoy this lesson. 1.) 안녕히 주무세요 (Annyeonghi jumuseyo) ~ GOOD NIGHT (HONORIFIC FORM) 안녕히 주무세요 means Good Night in Honorific Form.   It is used when the person you are talking to is a person older than you like your parents or grandparents, or someone with higher position than you. To properly pronounce 안녕히 주무세요, please lis

Itaewon Class teaches us how to drink and pour soju properly~ Exploring Korean Culture

I was really fond of Itaewon Class since I started watching it due to its intense story line. But as I watch it more, I realized that there were lessons that we could get from it. If you could notice, there was a part there when Korean culture was shown through Park Saeroy's father. There was a scene when Park Saeroy's father taught him how to drink Soju. And I was in awe with that~ I haven't really seen a drama where a father taught his son to drink. Just this one~ So I will grab this opportunity to show you how Saeroy's father taught him how to drink. Politeness, respect, hierarchy... These are very important to Koreans so this kind of lesson is very important especially if you are to drink with Korean bosses, Korean colleagues, Korean friends and their families. STEP ONE: Receiving or giving something should be done using two hands . This also applies when receiving drinks. This is very important because it signifies politeness and respect. This is usually d