April Fool's Vocabulary (뻥) from Itaewon Class~ Exploring Korean Language

Today marks the start of the month of April. So, do you know what it means? It is April Fool's day! This is the day when people post unbelievable or hard to believe news in social media like having positive pregnancy kits, being in a sudden relationship status, winning the jackpot prize in a lottery or buying an enormous house and luxurious car. Others do pranks to their friends by doing prank calls, prank texts or any other kind of prank that cannot be taken too seriously.

When I was thinking about relating April 1st to Korean Language, I suddenly remembered a word that I encountered recently in the Korean  drama 'Itaewon Class'. There is this scene in episode 3 wherein Yiseo (Kim Dami) told a lie to Saeroyi (Park Seojun) so that she could go without suffering the consequences of her action. When she was about to go, taking a cab, she said this, "뻥이야 (Ppeongiya)",  which left Saeroyi in a surprised expression, signaling that he was fooled.

See Yiseo below on how she pronounced "뻥이야 (Ppeongiya)"

뻥 (Ppeong) is a slang term for 'Lie' in Korean

If you want to fool someone then you want to reveal that it is not true, you could simply say:

뻥이야 (Ppeongiya)~ it means 'It's a lie' or 'Just Kidding'.

Since the sentence construction implies a Banmal (informal), it just means you can only say it to someone that you can joke with like your friend, family, or someone younger and you are close with.


4월1일 - April 1
놀라다 - to be surprised
농담하다 - to joke
농담이야 - it's a joke
장난하다 - to tease / play
웃기다 - to be funny
거짓말 - lie

Learn how to read and write Korean (Hangeul) here: 

Know why Itaewon Class is a Kdrama that is very interesting to watch here:
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Happy April Fool's Day!!!!!
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