Learn Korean With BTS~ EP01. BTS ㄱ to ㅎ

Last March 24, 2pm KST, BTS has launched the first three episodes of their new video series called 'Learn Korean with BTS' via Weverse.

To watch the video series, you should first download the Weverse app through Play Store (for Android users) or App Store (for iPhone users). Sign up then Login your account in able to watch 'Learn Korean with BTS' and other BTS videos there.

You could also login your account in the weverse website: https://www.weverse.io/

After you're all set up, we can start learning Korean with the BTS members!

EP.01 BTS ㄱ to ㅎ

The first episode features the boys using the Korean Language from their previously filmed videos. They listed 14 vocabularies, each vocabulary started from the 14 consonant letters of Hangeul. These are ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, resulting to the title of the first episode called 'BTS ㄱ to ㅎ'.

Shown below are the Korean and English translation of each vocabulary, which also contains explanations on how the words are transformed from the root or base form of the word. So, grammar rules are also stated but only limited on the word indicated. 

Note: This lesson is helpful for you if you have learned how to read and write Hanguel (Korean Alphabet) beforehand.

If not, read this: 
<<Let's Learn Hangeul! ~ Exploring Korean Language>>

It is best to learn these while repeating the words as it was said in the video.

ㄱ for 가자

가자 means 'Let's go'

가자 is from the root word 가다 which means 'to go'
~자 is a grammar ending form for 'Let's'

To say 'Let's go',
1.) Drop the 다 from 가다 -> 가
2.) Add the 자 regardless if the preceded letter is consonant or vowel.
So, 가 + 자 = 가자

가자 means Let's go

ㄴ for 노래

노래 means 'song'
a noun~

To make it a verb, just add 하다 (literally means 'to do')
노래 -> means 'song' (noun)
노래하다 -> means 'to sing a song'

To make it a sentence for a conversation (present tense in casual polite form or 요 form),
1.) Change 하다 to 해요
2.) 노래하다 -> 노래해요

노래해요 -> (I ) sing.

ㄷ for 달려라

달려라 means 'Run' (command / imperative form)

달려라 is from the root word '달리다' which means to run
~아/어/여 + 라 -> command form (one of the imperative forms)

To make this type of imperative form,
1.) Remove the 다 from 달리다 -> 달리
2.) Make it a 아/어/여 form
Rule: if the last letter is the vowel ㅣ, change it to ㅕ(different rule if the letter is not ㅣ)
달리 -> 달려
3.) Add 라
달려 + 라 = 달려라

달려라 방탄 = Run Bangtan (imperative)

ㄹ for 리더

더 means 'Leader'
a noun~

ㅁ for 마음

마음 means 'Heart / Mind'
a noun~

ㅂ for 방탄소년단

방탄소년단 means 'Bulletproof Boyscouts'
a noun~
BTS' name

ㅅ for 사랑한다

사랑한다 means 'I love you' (written form)

사랑한다 is from the root word 사랑하다 which means to love.

There are many forms to express 사랑하다 in its present form.

[I will not go into details because the explanation will be too long]

1.) Written form -> 사랑한다
2.) Banmal (informal) form -> 사랑해
3.) Polite casual form -> 사랑해요
4.) Honorific form -> 사랑합니다

ㅇ for 아프지 마요

아프지 마요 means 'Do not get sick / Do not get hurt'

아프지 마요 is from the root word 아프다 which means to be sick or to be hurt
~ 지 마요 -> a grammar ending which means 'Do not' in casual polite form.

To change to ~지 마요 form:
1.) Drop the 다 from the root word. 아프다 -> 아프
2.) Add 지 마요 regardless if the preceded letter is consonant or vowel.
아프 + 지 마요 = 아프지 마요

ㅈ for 잘 먹고 잘 자요

잘 먹고 잘 자요 means 'Eat well and sleep well'.

잘 means good / well
먹다  means to eat
자다 means to sleep
~고 -> grammar connector 'and'; the first verb is firstly done followed by the second verb.

잘 -> placed before a verb (serves as an adverb)

To use the ~고
1.) Remove 다 from the first root word of the verb. 먹다 -> 먹
2.) Add 고 regardless if the last letter is consonant or vowel
먹 + 고 = 먹고
3.) Add the next verb you want to connect in any tense
For this example, present tense 요 form
Rule: Drop the 다 of the root word. 자다 -> 자
then If the last letter is the vowel ㅏ, just add 요
자 + 요 -> 자요
4.) Combine the result from 2.) and 3.)
먹고 + 자요 -> 먹고 자요

Add the 잘 before the verbs. Thus,
잘 먹고 잘 자요.

ㅊ for 추억

추억 means 'Memory'.
a noun~

ㅋ for 콘서트

콘서트 means 'Concert'.
a noun~

ㅌ for 특별하게

특별하게 means 'do something in a special way (adverb)'

특별하게 is from the root word 특별하다 which means 'to be special'.

To make it an adverb:
1.) Drop the 다 of the root word. 특별하다 -> 특별하
2.) Add 게
특별하 + 게 => 특별하게'

ㅍ for 피아노

피아노 means 'piano'
a noun~

ㅎ for 행복하게

행복하게 means 'do something happily' (adverb)

행복하게 is from the root word 행복하다 which means 'to be happy'.

To make it an adverb:
1.) Drop the 다 of the root word. 행복하다 -> 행복하
2.) Add 게
행복하 + 게 => 행복하게'

Summary of the Words from BTS ㄱ to ㅎ

Through this lesson, we have learned the usual words or sentences BTS members usually use. We were also able to know the English translations of these words and the way how the sentences are transformed from the root or base form of the word.

Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed this lesson!
Make sure to subscribe to be updated on the next lesson!

Learn about Episode 2, here:
(It contains explanations about introducing oneself from the video)

Learn about Episode 3, here:
(It contains explanations about how to say 'How are you?', 'It's been a long time' and 'Have a nice day!' from the video)

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