Learn Korean With BTS~ EP02. Hello, We Are BTS.

Hello! Welcome to Episode 2 of BTS' Learn Korean With BTS!~ 
If you want read my post from Episode 1, you could read my post here:
(It contains explanations about the vocabulary mentioned in the video)

If you want to learn how to read or write Hangeul, you could learn it here:
(This lesson is composed of Korean Alphabet, proper pronunciation and syllable structure)

Episode 2 of Learn Korean With BTS series is entitled "Hello, We Are BTS."
Note: It is much better if you watch the video of this episode in Weverse first then re-watch it while reading this post.

Watch Learn Korean with BTS EP02 here: 

The video wants to convey this pattern for self introduction:
안녕하세요 means Hello.

You should put your name (이름) on the blank.

입니다 is the equivalent of 'is, are, am' in English

So, if you want to say, 

Hello! We are BTS, you would say:

As you can see, there is no equivalent Korean for 'We' in the pattern mentioned because it is already given that they are referring to themselves. But if you like to include the 'We', you could also say it like this:

안녕하세요. 우리방탄소년단입니다.

우리 means We
is the subject particle
[ if the letter preceded is vowel; if consonant -- Ex: 이 사람 (This person); 우리 (We)]

For the pronunciation, maybe you are wondering why the ㅂ from 입니다 sounds 'm' and not 'p'

Rule: If ㅂ is followed by ㄴ, ㅂ sound becomes ㅁ, but retaining its ㅂ spelling

입니다 --> 임니다 (in pronunciation)

Let's see how the members introduce themselves~

How about you, ARMY?~


여러분 means Everyone
말해 보세요 means Try to say
***~아/어/여 보세요~ grammar ending which means 'To try'
말하다 means To say

직접 means Direct
소개해 보세요 means Try to introduce
***~아/어/여 보세요~ grammar ending which means 'To try'
소개하다 means To introduce

아미 means ARMY

***How to transform to ~아/어/여 보세요~
1.) Transform the verb to ~아/어/여 form
   - If the verb ends with 하다,
     a.) Drop the
              말하 (to say) --> 말하
              소개하 (to introduce) --> 소개하
     b.) Change 하 to
              말하 --> 말
              소개하 --> 소개
2.) Add 보세요
              말 + 보세요 -->  보세요 (try to say)
              소개 + 보세요 --> 소개 보세요 (try to introduce)


1.) 인사를 한번 해볼까요? (Shall we [try] say our greetings?)
     -> This expression was mentioned in the video before they started introducing themselves.

     인사 -> greeting
       한번 -> one time
       해볼까요 -> shall try doing

       자기 소개 means self introduction

2.) When Jin gave his self introduction, he said:

안녕하세요. 방탄소년단의 진입니다.
Hello. I am BTS' Jin.

Jin used the '' which means ownership, the equivalent of ''s' in English.

BTS' Jin = 방탄소년단

3.) When Taehyung gave his self introduction, he said:

          안녕하십니까. 방탄소년단의 뷔입니다.
Hello. I am BTS' V.

안녕하십니까 is the formal way of saying 안녕하세요.

It is usually used in formal events (ex. Wedding, Music Awards, News) or when the person you are talking to has high position than you are. (ex. President of the company, President of the country, CEO, etc.)

4.) Saying 'I'.

As you can see, 'I' was never mentioned when they were introducing themselves. But you could include saying 'I' if you want to show more impact.

안녕하세요. 는 아미입니다.

 means I
 is the subject particle
[ if the letter preceded is vowel;  if consonant -- Ex: 이 사람 (This person); 저 (I)]

This concludes the lesson for Learn Korean With BTS EP.02. I hope you learned something by reading this lesson. Hope to see you again next time! If you have questions, feel free to comment below or you could message me privately in the social media accounts below.

Learn about Episode 3, here:
(It contains explanations about how to say 'How are you?', 'It's been a long time' and 'Have a nice day!' from the video)

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